Feed a Field Hygiene™ mission & value statement is a simple principle to define, we strive to be a positive and inspirational corporate citizen.

We want to be a driver of positive change as we grow, we want to inspire others including our supply chain to create and implement solution to social and environmental problems.

Our business operates using the principle of Truly Responsible Enterprise (TRE) with the following systems of operations.


Headline values

1.       Who we are - We look at ourselves as part of a worldwide system that operates in a way that is positive for the world community, and not just an individual organisation obsessed with maximising its own profit.

2.       What we believe in - We won’t work in a way that has a harmful effect on the environment or is harmful effect on the world’s communities.

3.       We are a solution led company – We look at problems and we supply a solution that is beneficial and removes a barrier whether on a social level or an environmental level.

4.       Inspire success - We want to be seen as a good corporate citizen and we want the world to learn from our success to drive change.


Our values & people

1.       The community – Our operations must not have a negative effect on the community either on a local of international level, where we do have a negative effect, we must stive to eliminate this in the long term and minimise in the short term.

2.       Our success shared -We should be seen as a positive contributor to the environment, and we share a percentage of our profits with our employees and charitable organisation that add social and environmental benefits on a local or international level and this contribution must be used with organisation that meet the same values we share.

3.       Our values shared – We will only work with sustainable and ethically aligned business that are also drivers of positive change.

4.       Empowering - We want to empower our team to make positive decision that improve our business and the community, and we operate on a basis of decision making that follows the granny test “would your Nan approve” and if the answer is yes, we let our team get on with it.

5.       We love local – Where possible we should work on a local procurement process to minimise environmental impact and to positively add to the local community.



Our values & the planet

1.       Who we are - We look at ourselves as part of a worldwide system that operates in a way that is positive for the whole system and not just an individual organisation obsessed with maximising its own profit.

2.       Our operation - We operate on a sustainable business model where we look at our entire operations based around its impact on the natural environment and we work on an ethical level that drives social justice by following a set of ethical standards to our employees, supply chain and our customers.

3.       Our solution led approach - We were founded on the belief that a business has an obligation to look at societal problems and work within its ability to solve these.

6.       The community – Our operations must not have a negative effect on the community either on a local of international level, where we do have a negative effect, we must stive to eliminate this in the long term and minimise in the short term.

7.       Our products – are designed to eliminate the environmental and health problems associated with the modern usage of sterilisation and antibacterial preparation.

8.       Our business locations – Must be utilised to make the best use of the local environment and have minimum environmental impact.

9.       Minimum impact – Our locations must work towards a net zero and we should work on minimise all waste.

10.   Living building as a core design – We plan to work towards our locations being built using the principles of living design challenge.

11.   Sustainable locations – Expansion of the business locations must be done using the living design challenge and the material used must not contain anything on their red list.

12.   Environmental life cycles – All products are designed with the starting principle of minimised design to minimise its impact from manufacturing to disposal and where a negative impact is identified we follow the short term minimise and long term elimination principle.

13.   We love local – Where possible we should work on a local procurement process to minimise environmental impact and to positively add to the local community.

14.   Compostable is best – Where facilities exist we should use compostable packaging to positively add to the environment they are disposed of in.



Our values & prosperity

1.       Our success shared -We should be seen as a positive contributor to the environment, and we share a percentage of our profits with our employees and charitable organisation that add social and environmental benefits on a local or international level and this contribution must be used with organisation that meet the same values we share.

2.       Inspire success - We want to be seen as a good corporate citizen and we want the world to learn from our success to drive positive change.

3.       We love local – Where possible we should work on a local procurement process to minimise environmental impact and to positively add to the local community.




Our success measured.

We are a for profit business so profits are an important part of our business model but this profit motive must not have an effect on the principles of people, planet & prosperity and where the motive overlaps with the principles of the triple bottom line our values take priority, with this in mind we evaluate using these questions.


“Does it have a negative affect on the people, planet & prosperity”.

If the answer is yes, we look at how we minimise this in the short term and eliminate it in the long-term using the principles of SMART.


The definable product facts

Our products are designed to solve the issues associated with modern chemical products both on an environmental front and a health for user level.

With this process in mind, we have looked at the impact of distribution which has led us to designing our products in a sachet form to minimise shipping to a quantifiable level.

A lorry load of our products is the equivalent of 18.4 lorries of a pre dosed 1 litre bottle of standard antibacterial solution and this is cumulative if using a re-usable bottle.

·         Our delivery - 167% less carbon than the standard product.

·         Our sachets - carbon footprint per solution is 1.78g (we are working on eliminating even this figure) compared to a minimum of 118 grams for a standard bottle.

·         Our products –are designed with the environment and the usage as the initial building blocks of the products, we have used natural solutions that are effective but have non toxic side effects for the environment and the person using them, it was vital that they were made to be safe in the natural environment and to safe for use, we want them to be applied while eliminating the need for extra equipment like PPE to remove the extra environmental damage caused by disposal of supplementary products.

·         Continuous improvement – Where an environmental impact has been identified we will work towards finding compostable or environmentally and socially responsible alternatives.